In a referendum for the Arctic island of Shishmaref, its inhabitants had to vote whether to move to a continental location as a result of climate change. Every year, this community is threatened by rising sea levels caused by melting sea ice.
- Shishmaref is located just south of the Arctic Circle and to the northwest of Alaska and has approximately 560 inhabitants, 90% of whom are indigenous people (the majority are Inupiaq descendants, an eskimo tribe). For centuries they have lived off fishing and hunting seals. They have already had to relocate 13 houses as a result of the rising sea level caused by rising temperatures. Unfortunately, as mentioned there are serious risks of the island disappearing in the coming decades.
- Terrible news, you might think. But can you imagine if it was you who would have to move because of the environmental disasters that are threatening your town or city? Leaving your home, your memories and all your belongings!
- Doesn’t it seem like a good idea, at least trying to start today, to try and use the resources you have access to in the most efficient way possible?
- Believe it or not, by turning off the lights in your house that you are not using, or not leaving the tap running when you’re brushing your teeth; separating at least the cardboard and plastic from the garbage and using public transport instead of your car if you are travelling alone etc. You are helping other communities not to have to relocate due to natural disasters. Surely you’re a caring person, so don’t wait any longer and do your bit to help!