Don’t wait for nature to continue showing you the specific ecological disasters that have been occurring for some time as a consequence of your current style of production and consumption.

Industry and greenhouse gases (photo © Green Diosa)
Did you know that your footprint is in everything that is manufactured to produce what you use, consume and waste? Obviously we will never stop doing or stop consuming what we need but it is only about being a little more efficient in the use of resources and avoiding excess. Are you on board?

Future generations (photo © Green Diosa)
We often blame industry for what is happening on our planet, for the greenhouse gases released in the production process. It is also very common to believe that it is the sole responsibility of the state to find solutions promoting public policies to mitigate these effects.
But in reality, each and every one of us is also responsible every time we choose a product in the supermarket, or when we use large amounts of water when showering, washing dishes, cleaning the pavement in front of our house etc. We should not continue to look at all the disasters that are happening with nature and in the world from the outside but perhaps we could choose sustainable forms of production and consumption, that is, a lifestyle that does not cause much damage to the planet.

Your footprint (photo © Green Diosa)
GREEN DIOSA suggests, then. that you spend a few minutes of your time to think about the products you consume and throw away, and in general, what you do every day of your life in relation to what affects the planet.
Little by little we’ll explain about the carbon footprint that you leave on our planet on a daily basis, asa well as some of the things that you could put into practice to help you. Remember that we all have the right to live in a healthy environment; and also remember that the best inheritance you can leave your children is a planet where they too can live and raise their families.